Saturday, April 5, 2008

Greetings From the Zine Team

We've decided to create a Flickr account just for our questions, under the name Web of Thought. Each of us will be taking a bundle of the questions to scan, then we will be binding the questions into four booklets to be put into one "box." The box will be a large book, that Iliana purchased for a dollar, which she will cut four booklet-sized holes into:

this is how it will work. I hope the diagram is clear enough! The book's pages will be glued together.

We will put covers on the booklets and incorporate the photographs that the documentation team took of the Web of Thought. One idea we had was to include blank cards so that whoever reads the booklets can answer questions themselves. On the back of each booklet, or somewhere (perhaps on the cover?) of the large book, we will write the name of the Flickr site they can go to to add more or look at other questions. Also, we will write about the Web of Thought, and how it was made/why we did it/etc. We will put it in OCAD's new Zine Library
and possibly advertise with posters around the school. (Would ads be okay? We aren't sure)
Putting it in a public place will ensure its longevity! Many people will be able to see it for years to come.

***Here's the website:

Friday, April 4, 2008

Susan's Photos

Hi Class:

I've been having some trouble with my computer, and haven't been able to upload my photos yet. My apologies.

Susan Gorbet was kind enough to provide me with her photos, some of which you've already seen in class.

I look forward to the Aftermath aftermath next week! Remember, next week is our last class, and any loose ends must be tied up by then.

Project #3 Activate Aftermath

Things that would have improved “Activate”:

Knowing the rules we had to follow in order to get our installation permit

Change to a more open location (low roof was unattractive spot for the second incarnation of the web)

We should have started planning earlier to make it more professional and less last-minute

Plan B! it was regrettable having to take it apart and rebuild it

More organization, we didn’t know where our spot was

The event could’ve not been scheduled THE WEDNESDAY AFTER EASTER!

More fun maybe? using interesting apparatus etc. maybe rotating clothesline for more physical engagement

It should have been bigger if we could’ve done it

Everything could have been more circular to make it more communal experience

It Could have been more colourful

We could have scheduled meetings better

more vertical separation of string to make it easier to read the cards, maybe put the cards at eye level

Could have been more efficient with distribution of labour

We could have increased the height to make it more prominent

Aesthetics: 2nd incarnation could’ve looked more professional

It could have been put at eye level, maybe used colour paper (Maybe different colours for different questions)

We could have communicated with eachother as agroup more effectively

Aesthetic consistency could have been improved

Should’ve surveyed the area before we even made our proposal rather than the day of the event

 TheHallway is an exit, bad spot

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Activate Aftermath

Hi Class:

Here's a summary of the Activate aftermath activities. If you're not involved in anything, let me know and I'll find something for you to do.

Diandra will be posting a breakdown of expenses and providing refunds as appropriate. If you haven't brought $25 yet, please do so next week.

The post should be in the following format:

Josh 25
Shona 25
Total 50

Cards 10
String 30
Total 40

Leftover = Revenues-Expenses = 10

Refunds = Leftover/# of Students = 10/21 = 0.48
Gio, Kaylyn, David, Che and Derek are the Recycling Team. They'll figure out what do with all of the waste material our experience generated. Ideally, material will be redeployed, perhaps as prizes. The Recycling Team will also post a document to the blog that lists all items used (with quantities) and how they were recycled.
Shona, Andrea, Jennie, Katie and Iliana are the 'Zine Creation Team. They'll post a 'Zine concept to the blog for your approval by Friday at midnight. Once they've received your feedback (due Saturday at midnight), they'll proceed to create 'zines from the answers collected in our experience.
Julian S, Joanne, Phil,Kay and Lena are the Prize Team. They'll post a Prize concept (for the Stick It experience) to the blog for your approval by Friday at midnight. Once they've received your feedback (due Saturday at midnight), they'll proceed to create and award a prize. If the prize requires physical delivery, it should be delivered to room 287 (the Stick It room) on Monday at 6:30.
Julian A, Miriam and Kristen are the Documentation Team. They'll be creating a written summary and a video summary of the project.

The new teams should continue to document their work. All deliverables should be posted to the blog in some appropriate form by the beginning of next class. Congratulations once again for rallying in the face of adversity and delivering a successful experience!


And the winner is. . .

Below are your comments on the other class' Activate experiences. Stick It was the overwhelming favorite.

Mirror Mirror
-most intuitive
-as good to watch as to participate
-great consistency (the masks)

-best looking
-nice place to hang out
-most appealing
-well crafted
-good creation of space

Stick It
-most fun
-entertaining visceral experience
-something new
-good use of space - hidden but everyone went
-cool, psychedelic
-great physicality
-created the club experience (on a weekday)

Bag Head
-ended in chaos
-great because you got a cookie

-disgusting but it brought everyone together

Obstacle Course
-good active atmosphere

Save the Baby

Check it out....

I love this... its kinda like project the U 0f T prof showed us, but without the politics and more fun :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Prize Group

Prize group idea: To give each student in the class 10 markers (from the left over materials). Each marker will have a label that says "Stick It 2008" and also the question mark logo that are already on the markers. Will do this by some sort of label or sticker.
*Comment to this blog for any suggestions

**For the waste/left over material group. I have 1 bucket of markers and 1 bucket of clothes pins in my locker. If you need them contact me at . Lena also has a bucket of string in her locker.