Sunday, January 20, 2008

Exercise Three: Strategies for Conveying Visual Information: Kristen, Iliana, Miriam


The event in which mental operations are made slower and not as preciecly by opposing mental developments. This process presents itself when it comes across two or more emotional or unconscious formations are in competition.Human perception and cognition associate with several various mental systems that break up and send knowledge independently of one another.The product of the many systems are transferred to the mind, where they are understood and solved.When the outputs or the product of these systems, are in agreement, the course of analysis or perception develops much faster and the final work is ideal. However when the product of the systems are opposed, a resistance happens and extra processing is requires to fix the problem.This extra time used to fix these issue brings a negative influence on performance.

Examples of Interference


STROOP INTERFERENCE : An unnecessary manner of a stimulus (anything encouraging an action) provokes the mind where it tampers with parts affecting an important feature of the stimulus.

GARNER INTERFERENCE : An unnecessary difference of a stimulus provokes the mind where it tampers with parts affecting an important feature of the stimulus.


PROACTIVE INTERFERENCE : Past memories meddle with learning. When learning a new language, mistakes can occur when the person learning the language begins to relate to former language and starts to put to use the past grammar into the new language.

RETROACTIVE INTERFERENCE : Learning conflicts with memories. When remembering a new phone number, it can be effected with past phone numbers already in the mind.

In order to intercept any interferences, the only solution is to avoid designs which produce these mental processes which are the opposition. The Stroop and Garner Interferences (Interference effects of Perception) are a cause of code mixtures such as a red GO button, or a green STOP button and it can also be caused from a correlation of subject which are closely placed together which visually correspond with each other. To put a temporary block to the interferences of learning, Proactive and Retroactive by using a combination of teaching techniques such as videos or activities and leaving time to breaks in between.


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