Monday, February 11, 2008

Exercise 7- Kristen Burns

Science Centre Map:I walk down the glowing tunnel of colours and the assignment begins.

  1. When I finish be mesmerized by the colour tunnel, I enter the room and I am attracted to many little twinkling lights that what looks to me to be a speaker/ music area. As I walk over to the little lights I am stopped at what looks like to be a table guitar, and on the side it says hemp big band (weird) So there are two buttons on it one says record and the other play. So I press record and I start playing with the strings then I press play and nothing happened. So I don’t know if I did it wrong but I was not to impressed.
  2. As I walk away with disappointment to find my next thing to explore I see this cube thing with drawers. Once I seen it was a smell table or something like that. I wasn’t to sure what it was. Well I didn’t like it.
  3. Then with a twinkle in my eye I see glue guns and scissors my specialty. I spent a lot of time there just gluing random fabric and sponge together to make a animal. Near the end of finishing the animal I found out I was suppose to make a shoe. I had no idea so maybe that should be better labeled, because there was really no point to what I did, but it was really fun.
  4. Then my friend and I were stopped by a man that worked there asking what we were doing. He was very friendly, and sounded very interested.
  5. As we said bye to the man I noticed over his shoulder a very interesting wall of bubbles located in the middle of the room. I then walked over to it and examined what it was. As I looked at how the bubbles were coming out at different times I was convinced it was making a picture. So I stepped back and instantly saw Elvis. I was very impressed and loved it. I think that this piece should be placed in front of the long entrance so you see the face as u walk down the colourful hallway. I think it would be more impressive, because I wouldn’t have seen the face if I didn’t step back a lot.
  6. In the corner of my eye I saw paper fly out of a tube. I don’t really know why they had it. Maybe things should be better labeled. But it was very interesting as I got hit on the top of the head with paper.
  7. Music Pill Station. Works by sensors, a bit confusing but fun when you understand. I got a but of a headache when there was a lot of a people in there playing with the sensors. Cool Sounds.
  8. Saw a Chair sat down because I was tired and It vibrated when you twisted the circle. Weird. Then I lost my pen lid went to find it.
  9. As I was retracing my steps for the lid I found it and then ended up looking at this screen were you look at your eye. I liked being able to see my eye. It was a bit blurry but interesting. I didn’t really understand the whole weaving of materials so I didn’t do it.
  10. Saw a station with metal poles which was the sniffing station. Reminded my of the magic school bus. Didn’t understand what origami had to do with smelling. Maybe have something other then origami. Also I don’t know why they didn’t put all the sniffing station together.
  11. I walked across the room where I saw these platforms where you shoot these iron shaped things down. Could be a good concept if it was made more fun, Maybe with more colours.
  12. As I looked to my left of that I walked over to this glass case saw cockroaches and ran away and left.

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