Sunday, January 27, 2008

exercise 5: Love/Hate Kristen Burns

One thing that I use everyday and love very much is my Ipod. Wherever I go I always have it. The screen its self lights up when using it, which makes it easy to read. It uses Alignment when listing all the music. When you are scrolling, where you are is highlighted, which gives you visible feedback. It is very clearly illustrated that the buttons are buttons because they each have printed on them what they do.

One of the things I really hate is the Mac Mouse. How can such an awesome computer have such a useless mouse? The biggest reasons for why I hate it is because it doesn’t have a right click. Instead you have to go threw a command instead of just pressing a button like the PC mouse. Also in the way the mouse is mapped out there is nothing to imply that it actually has a button at all, there is no finger imprints or anything. There is some feedback when it comes to the actual click of the mouse, but there is no way of knowing if it is even supposed to click down.

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