Sunday, February 17, 2008

Project 2 (Roughs) - Kaylyn Frecker


Jesse Colin Jackson said...

(Derek's Feedback)

1) The hide anything pencil seems like an interesting idea, though a bit limiting to the things you can hide as they must be quite small and able to fit in a pencil.
2) I like the idea of the (smacking thing?). I think it's fun to smack shit around, so this could be a fun little toy.
3) Sticks... I don't understand wholly what this is...
4) Sticky hands... I don't understand what exactly this is either...
5) The art boxes could be a good toy I think, definitely a large market of possible buyers at our school alone, which is good. Also encourages organization and customization, which is also cool.
6) I think this idea is a bit lacking in creativity, and also a bit limiting as only girls would possibly be interested in this.

Possibly some further explanation needed...

Jesse Colin Jackson said...

Hi Kaylyn:

Very. . . terse. I appreciate that the titles all evoke the essence of the idea. The smacking thing is especially "you." I'm intrigued by the art-school applicability of Conte Man - could it fit more than conte? Could you play up the OCAD personas by offering tongue-in-cheek discipline specific products that accomodate different "tools of the trade," ie "slovenly melodramatic painter man" and "uptight ultra-moderne ED girl?"