Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Project 2 - Toy Ideas - Jennie W

6.) Magic Light bulb: This light bulb changes colours from black light to white light to red to blue to purple.  Just by clapping your hands you can totally change the mood of the room.  
Other Ideas: Singing Toothbrush Timer, Snowboard Decorative Kit, Hat with recorder/speakers in it, Fake ID Maker.


Kristen said...

My partner never posted his so im commenting yours. Ok so you have some really good ideas. But most of your ideas are accessories. Like maybe you could change you ideas and make them more interactive. Like with the glasses, make a game out of it. Like have glasses made for people with bad eyes and you have to try to make out words, and the glasses impairs your vision. I really like the light bulb idea i would love that in my room.

Kristen said...

also another idea you could do for the 2 pictures that you switch depending on your mood.how would it hang up? and what pictures would it be?would you have all different ones you can buy and put all around the house.

Kristen said...

I also really love your date saver thing. I could actually see that in stores. Good idea.

Jesse Colin Jackson said...

(Gio's Feedback)

My partner is Jennie!!

Flowers: Really good idea to giving an asthetic aspect to air fresheners. Personally I don't think people our age would go for that, but if it was something else, like, something we would want to have lying around which would be disguising the fact that we were scenting our room, while being stylish and different, then maybe it would take off a lot quicker on the market.

Glasses: I really like the accessory type thinking behind the non prescription glasses. The only thing I find it hard to market would be as a game. I know the idea is to sell it to peopleour age, but I think the only thing would be that it isn't a game. But I like the glasses, maybe Jennie should design me a pair of D&G's that I could wear. Spiffy!

Earrings: Love the idea. Only there shoudl be a design maybe for guys. Not only girls go on bad dates. Everyone has those awkward moments where they want to get the hell out. So, goos idea, jus think of making it for both sexes, appealing to men as well.

Paintings: Like the idea, as I am personally someone who changes things up. I get bored quickly. I think people would be able to do this themselves, or just change the picture, instead of getting one that has only 2 sides, then they would get sick of the 2 they have, eventually, forcing them to buy a new one if they wanted to stick to the same product, which in the end could possibly bring more revenue to the company.

Calorie Counter: Good, just developing it to work as a mock up, almost impossible, unless Jennie is some sort of crazy-smart engineer and we just don't know....maybe instead make it like some kind of palm pilot that you can record what you eat during the day and it calculates the calories for you, which would be more realistic and practical. Then it would give like, tips and exercise ideas for the day. Like, a mini trainer you can bring in your pocket. Who wouldn't want that?

Lightblub Colour Changer: MAKE ME ONE! I would love for this to be real.

Jesse Colin Jackson said...

Hi Jennie:

Your toys are strangely un-toy-like, but they definitely have some fun potential, especially as entertaining means of self-expression. Is this a product of perceived resistance on the part of our OCAD audience to purchase a plain 'ol toy?

The light bulb colour changer is within constructional reach if you're ambitious enough . . . LED's are cheap and relatively easy to work with.